Monday, July 27, 2009

Once Upon A Summer's Night

I suppose the best way to start this blog is just do it. The most difficult thing about this great idea was writing this first post.
I suppose it's perfectly ok to ramble as this is what the spirit of this blog is all about so on with the rambling...
It's 3.30 am on a hot and sultry summer's night in Athens, my antiquated air-conditioner is wheezing out a steady stream of ice cold air, and yes I know I sound like the opening of a classic Private Eye movie....but I've always wanted to use that opening somewhere.
As usual I'm wide awake and I'm beginning to wonder if this insomnia has anything to do with age.
It's funny but lately I've noticed that all those emails you get with titles like "10 things that show you are middle aged" have stopped being funny because they are usually spot on.
I was browsing through my Face-Book and one of my friends jokingly remarked that you know you are getting old when you go to the car dealership and specify you prefer a car with automatic transmission, instead of laughing I found myself mentally that is tragic.
I'm lucky enough to work in an environment where I am surrounded by teenagers and kids in their twenties, as a result you tend to forget how old you are, until you meet the parents, who are usually younger than you are. Now that's a total reality jolt and yet it's also a huge ego boost because I can look at them and say I don't look like that and I don't.
In retrospect I've come to the conclusion that I've always been an insomniac and age really has nothing to do with it, in fact age has really little to do with anything other that to give me something to ramble on about for about two paragraphs thus filling up the page.
It reminds me of school essays that had to be a thousand words in length, I was really good at rambling and filling pages of absolutely meaningless information.
If you are reading this blog for the first time don't worry it will get better, my main objective this morning is to get this part out the way so that I can get on to the interesting stuff and on that note I'll bid you all a good night as I attempt to sleep at last

1 comment:

  1. This was a great start!!! As your insomnia escalated so did your stories. Love this idea! Great blog! Got to remember to tell Cat about this too. Oh! did I forget to mention that as one grows older... one forgets!
